Cuisine en Locale


Cuisine en Locale started way back in ‘05 with a mission to connect local farmers with high-end caterers and events and promote a locavore lifestyle. The company grew into a full service event-space and catering service in its own right, along with a much beloved weekly meal-delivery plan that serviced the greater Boston area. At first, I just drew a few fliers when I was still a student, but eventually an identity was developed to reflect the company’s locavore, sustainability-minded sensibility.

Event Posters

The real joy of this long-standing relationship is seeing the many event posters I’ve drawn over the years. O.N.C.E. stands for One Night Culinary Event, and the themes of these events ranged from casual BBQs to fully interactive dinner theater.

Community Building IRL

While Cuisine en Locale’s weekly meal delivery service kept a rigid schedule and hundreds of folks’ fridges full, their events were live, theatrical, and spontaneous. We created lots of merch that supported these diverse endeavors, and the many creatives, musicians, actors, cooks, and volunteers that worked on them.